
Research Interests

Political economy, institutional theory, innovation management, entrepreneurship, digital labour markets (gig economy), corporate strategy, economic European integration, as well as quantitative and qualitative research methodology.

Research Projects

Andrea M. Herrmann is involved in numerous national and international research collaborations. In her research, she investigates how firms and their workforces innovate across Western economies– influenced by their institutional environment. In addition to various individual collaborations, her research includes three major projects:

Gig Economy – Varieties of Digital Labour Markets

Within the framework of an ERC- and NOW-funded project, this research investigates the institutional foundations of the ‘gig economy’ (online labour markets) and how this new labour market evolves. more

FIRES – Varieties of Entrepreneurship

This Horizon2020 project investigates entrepreneurship across Europe in order to propose “Financial and Institutional Reforms to build an Entrepreneurial Society (“FIRES”). more

Corporate Innovation Strategies – Varieties of Capitalism

This research project examines how firms adapt to the pressures of increasing international competition by testing the arguments on ‘strategy specialization’ proposed in the competitiveness literature in general, and by contributors to the ‘varieties of capitalism’ debate in particular. more